I discovered something very important... I absolutely love oreos! However, they leave my mouth looking quite funny...
Today, we all went to the park together. I've been learning how to walk in my new shoes, and I've been learning to walk in grass. For the most part, I just stand there until mommy or daddy hold my hand and help me walk.
I got the hang of it though...
My favorite part of the park is the swings. Man!! I love those things!
Here I am, acting all shy in my family photo! Mommy hates the picture, she isn't wearing this stuff she paints on her face, and she thinks she has two chins! So do I though... I thought that was cute...
But alas, all good things must come to an end.
Buddy...watching those videos of you walking sure does make me tired. You make it look easy, I am still trying to master "tummy time." It was great playing with you at play group today. Oh by the way you've got pretty snazzy looking footware as well.
See ya soon buddy!
9:42 PM
Buddy! I hope you are feeling better so that we can play soon! You gotta teach me all about that walking stuff, looks like fun! And you have to convince your mom to talk to my mom to bring us to the park so that I can swing with you! My mommy told me to tell you that your mommy looks great in that family picture, and that she's crazy! She's beautiful paint or no paint! Hope to see you tomorrow at play group!!!
8:19 PM
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